在其余条件不变的情况下,光吸收曲线会随着物质浓度变化而变化。( )
A. 对
B. 错
分光光度计检测器直接测得的是入射光的强度。( )
A. 对
B. 错
A state agency is setting up training sessions for its new employees. Which of the following is the BEST subject line?
A. Training Sessions
B. Teaching New Employees What They Need to Know
C. New Employees’ Areas of Ignorance
D. Training Sessions for New Employees
Which is the BEST purpose for including audience benefits in an informative message?
A. To show how the policy or procedure helps the audience
B. To fill up the entire page
C. To surround any negatives with positive information
D. To demonstrate the writer’s creativity