
There are also 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each bank with the proper form of the word given in braskets.My__________(depart)from Washington made me very upset.


There are also 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each bank with the proper form of the word given in braskets.That will make a good impression of their_________(perform)

There are also 10 incomplete statements here.You should fill in each bank with the proper form of the word given in braskets.You're very________(luck)to be alive after that accident.

脂肪中各种脂肪酸的合理比例应为饱和脂肪酸∶单不饱和脂肪酸∶多不饱和脂肪酸等于或接近于( )。

A. 1(≦1):1:1
B. 1:1(≦1):1
C. 1:2:2
D. 1:1:2

我国的《保健食品管理办法》明确指出保健食品是指表明具有特定保健功能的食品,即适宜于特定人群食用,具有( )功能,不以治疗为目的的食品。

A. 调节机体
B. 预防疾病
C. 辅助治疗
D. 强身健体
