There’s nothing wrong with segregating restrooms on the basis of race. After all, we’ve always had separate restrooms for men and women, and no one seems to complain about that.按照种族分宿舍没什么错的。毕竟,我们也都按照男女分宿舍。
A. Hasty generalization轻率概化
B. Weak analogy不当类比
C. The mere correlation不相关
D. Appeal to ignorance诉诸无知
If we don’t dramatically increase defense spending,the Chinese will soon surpass us as a military power.And ,if the Chinese surpass us as a military power,it’s only a matter of time before we’ll all be speaking Chinese and eating chop suey.如果我们不显著地增加国防开支,中国将很快超过我们成为军事大国。并且,如果中国超过我们成为了军事大国,那么我们得说中国话吃杂烩菜就只是时间问题了。
A. Begging the question乞题
B. Slippery slope滑坡
C. Weak analogy不当类比
D. False alternative非黑即白
Aid to Russia?Gimme a break!Why should we care more about the Russians than about our own people?援助俄国?歇歇吧!我们为什么要关心俄国人而不是关心我们自己?
Appeal to ignorance诉诸无知
B. Red herring燻鲱
C. Straw man稻草人
D. Hasty generalization轻率概化
Flag-burning is illegal. Just ask anybody.烧旗子是违法的。你可以去问任何人。
Appeal to emotion 诉诸情感
B. Personal attack人身攻击
C. Appeal to public诉诸公众
D. Weak analogy不当类比
Women are naturally better at homework than man ,because almost everyone think so.女人天生就比男人在做家务方面好很多,因为几乎每个人都这么看。
Appeal to pity诉诸同情
B. The mere correlation不相关
C. Oversimplidied cause fallacy过分简单化
D. Appeal to public诉诸公众