答案为 查看材料
A. worry
B. fear
C. carelessness
D. hard work
The short passage advises us to__________ . 查看材料
A. be polite but honest to foreigners
B. learn customs of different countries
C. decide whether to be polite according to different cultures
D. tell more truths to Americans than to people from other countries
From this passage we can infer that __________. 查看材料
A. we" 11 invite the craftsman to teach in the college
B. schools and books are not the only way to knowledge
C. scientific discoveries are based on personal experience
D. discoveries and rediscoveries are the most important source of knowledge for a collegestudent __________.
A. 慎用吗啡类止痛剂
B. 严密观察生命体征的变化
C. 定时检查腹部体征的发展
D. 灌肠通便,观察大便的性质
E. 非手术治疗期间病情未见好转,甚至加剧者,需剖腹探查