A. 对
B. 错
1. How does Internet scale to billions of hosts? (Describe what structure and levels are used to organize the hosts, and calculate the numbers of entities at each level.)互联网是如何扩展成数以亿计的主机结构的?(详细说明主机的结构和层次组织,并计算出每个层次的实体数量。)
2. Routing vs. switching: stateful or stateless, connection-oriented or connectionless, matching or in-dexing? (Associate these features with routing and switching.)路由与交换机对比:哪个是有状态或无状态的,哪个是面向连接或无连接的,哪个是匹配或索引式的?(将这些功能与路由和交换联系起来。)
3. What may increase or decrease the latency inside the Internet? (What are the factors that might increase or decrease the latency of queuing, transmission, processing, and propagation, respectively?)3.哪些因素可能增加或减少互联网中的延迟?(有哪些因素可能分别会增加或减少排队,传输,处理和传播延迟?)