
在大西洋共租国。实际工资固定在它的均衡水平以上。 a.是否存在非自愿失业现象? b.假定邻国工人移居大西洋国,那么该国的总就业、生产和非自愿失业会有什么变化? C.如果大西洋国的实际工资富有弹性,那么b的答案会有什么变化? In the Republic of Atlantis.the real wage is fixed above its equilibrium level. a.Is there any involuntary unemployment? b.Assume that workers from a neighboring country migrate to Atlantis.What would happen tototal employment,production,and involuntary unemployment in Atlantis? C.How would your answer to(b)change if real wages were flexible in Atlantis?



真实国内生产总值(real GDP)

在A国,初始资本存量的价值为1亿美元。总投资第1年为800万美元,第2年为1500万美元。如果资本折旧率为每年10%。那么每一年的净投资各是多少? In country A,the initial capital stock is worth$1 00 million.Gross investment is$8 million in year 1 and$ 15 million in year 2.If capital depreciates at 10 percent per year,what is the net in vestment in each of the two years?

原始投入(primary inputs)
