
You are installing Windows 2000 server on Windows NT using an unattended installation. You

A. Specify $OEM$/Textmode
B. Specify $OEM$/C$/Drivers
Create a subfolder pointing to the share point
D. Create a subfolder called drivers.


假定框架钢材采用Q345,fy=345N/mm2,某梁柱节点构造如下图所示。试问,柱在节点域满足规程要求的腹板最小厚度twc(mm),与下列()项数值最为接近。 提示:按《高层民用建筑钢结构技术规程》(JGJ 99—98)计算。

A. 10
B. 13
C. 15
D. 17

You want to complete the upgrades before production begins in the morning.
What should you do?

A. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and the /cmdcons switch.
B. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt32 command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.
C. Perform. an unattended installation by running the winnt command and specify the use of a .txt file and a uniqueness database file.
D. Perform. an unattended installation by using a Winnt.sif file with a commands section that initiates the Update.exe command in quiet mode.


A. 751kN·m
B. 891.1kN·m
C. 715kN·m
D. 680kN·m


A. 8
B. 5
C. 3
D. 0
