
Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.(注:答案需写出完整的单词,包括首字母)When a person is born, he/she has a set of personalities that make him /herdifferent from others. Psychologists believe that colors are sometimes a goodway toi___________ (1)how a person behaves and the way he / she r__________ (2) to things that are happening to him/her. They can also r____________ (3)personality traits. Nonetheless, we cannot be a__________ (4)sure about aperson's characteristics by just looking at his / her p________ (5)for certaincolors. Therefore, we should not be h__________ (6)and critical towards aperson just because he/she likes a s____________ (7) color that does not representsome positive t__________ (8) or characteristics. Psychologists also believe thateveryone can develop or change his/her personality. For example, if ani_________ (9)wants to correct his/her negative traits such as his/heri__________ (10)behavior, he / she has to make an e__________ (11) to do so. He/ She has to be p__________ (12)and keep working hard to ensure that he/shecan a__________ (13)his / her goal. Therefore, if a person is determined, he/ she can change the traits he / she i__________ (14)from his / her parents. Theimportant thing is to change for the better and not for the worse.


Based on the information contained in Text B, match the colors in ColumnA with the descriptions of personality in Column B. Write down thecorresponding letter in the space provided.

1.在20世纪初时,中国现代建筑教育的先驱者杨廷宝、梁思成等就读于美国哪所学院建筑 系,该院沿用了什么建筑教育传统? [2003-084]

A. (A)耶鲁大学建筑学院,德国鲍豪斯
B. (B)哈佛大学研究生院,法国巴黎美术学院
C. (C)麻省理工学院,德国鲍豪斯
D. (D)宾夕法尼亚大学建筑系,法国巴黎美术学院

1.作为近代中国最重要的建筑学术研究团体,中国营造学社:[2005-064 ]

A. (A)成立于1930年,社长是朱启铃
B. (B)社长是朱启铃,以研究中国近代建筑为宗旨
C. 社长是梁思成,作了大量的中国建筑的调查
D. (D)社长是刘敦桢,他与梁思成先生一起,以研究中国古建筑为宗旨

1.南京中山陵和广州中山纪念堂设计竞赛中,获首奖的建筑师是哪一位? [ 1995-045,1997-048, 1998-048, 1999-048, 2009-064, 2011-047, 2012-066]

A. (A)庄俊
B. (B)杨廷宝
C. (C)吕彦直
D. (D)梁思成
