

A. 价款
B. 增值税
C. 代垫的包装费
D. 代垫的运杂费


[Unit 6] Directions: The following underlined statement is the introductory sentence of a paragraph. Rearrange the statements A-E in a logical order so that they form a coherent and cohesive text.Addictionis a chronic disorder with biological, psychological, social and environmental factors influencing its development and maintenance.

[Unit 5] Directions: The following excerpt is from an article in the field of cloud computing. Rearrange the following sentences in the correct order. The first two sentences have already been identified as below.Cloud computing is traditionally divided into three market segments: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).To better understand cloud communications, it is useful to understand the different service models of cloud computing.

[Unit 5] Directions: The following statements (A-E) are taken from the Introduction of a research paper. Please reorganize them into a logical and coherent sequence.

[Unit 6] Directions: Choose the main idea for Paragraphs 5-15 of Unit 6's Text A..

A. Microbes harm their human hosts to enhance their chances of survival.
B. Microbes’ ability to cause disease is an adaptation against their hosts.
C. Microbes’ adaptation to the environment may sometimes be detrimental to humans.
