
在设置Word 2000文档段落时,用户选择最小值,______和多倍行距三种行距之一可再通过“设置值”来具体指明所设置的行距。


在一公文处理系统中,开发者定义了一个公文类OfficeDoc,其中定义了公文具有的属性和处理公文的相应方法。当公文的内容或状态发生变化时,关注此OfficeDoc类对象的相应的DocExplorer对象都要更新其自身的状态。一个OfficeDoc对象能够关联一组 DocExplorer对象。当OfficeDoc对象的内容或状态发生变化时,所有与之相关联的 DocExplorer对象都将得到通知,这种应用被称为观察者模式。以下代码采用Java语言实现,能够正确编译通过。
//Subject.java 文件
public interface Subject {
public void attach(Observer DocExplorer);
public void detach(Observer DocExplorer);
void notifyObservers();
//Observer.java 文件
public interface Observer{
void update((1) );
//OfficeDoc.java 文件
import java.util.*;
public class OfficeDoc implements Subject(//OfficeDoc 类实现 Subject 接口
private Vector bserverVeetor=new java.util.Vector();
//存储与OfficeDoc相关联的DocExplorer 对象
public void attach(Observer observer){
//将某 DocExplorer 对象与OfficeDoc 相关联
public void detach(Observer observer){
//解除某DocExplorer 对象与OfficeDoc的关联关系
public void notifyObservers(){
Enumeration enumeration=(2);
while (enumeration.hasMoreElements()){
public Enumeration Observers(){
return ObserverVector.elements();
//DoeExplorer.java 文件
public class DocExplorer implements (4) {
public void update((5) ){

Which person mentions
enjoying their pastime more than the job they used to do?
enjoying being in charge of their own life? 【S1】______
being surprised by suddenly losing their previous job? 【S2】______
not having other people depending on them financially? 【S3】______
missing working with other people? 【S4】______
undergoing training in order to take up their new job? 【S5】______
a contact being useful in promoting their new business? 【S6】______
not being interested in possible promotion in their old job? 【S7】______
disliking the amount of time they used to have to work? 【S8】______
surprising someone else by the decision they made? 【S9】______
a prediction that hasn't come true? 【S10】______
consulting other people about their businesses? 【S11】______
the similarities between their new job and their old one? 【S12】______
working to a strict timetable? 【S13】______
A The Farmer
Matt Froggatt used to be an insurance agent in the City of London but now runs a sheep farm.
"After 14 years in business, I found that the City had gone from a place which was exciting to work into a grind-no one was having fun any more. But I hadn't planned to leave for another five or ten years when I was made redundant. It came out of the blue, but it made me take a careful look at my life. I didn't get a particularly good pay-off but it was enough to set up the farm with. My break came when I got to know the head chef of a local hotel with one of the top 20 hotel restaurants in the country. Through supplying them, my reputation spread and now I also supply meat through mail order. I'm glad I'm no longer stuck in the office but it's astonishing how little things have changed for me: the same 80- to 90- hour week and still selling a product."
B The Paniter
Ron Able white was a manager in advertising but now makes a living as an artist.
"My painting began as a hobby but I realised I was getting far more excitement out of it than out of working. The decision to take redundancy and to become an artist seemed logical. The career counsellor I talked to was very helpful. I think I was the first person who had ever told him, '1 don't want to go back to where I've been.' He was astonished because the majority of people in their mid-forties need to get back to work immediately -they need the money. But we had married young and our children didn't need our support. It was a leap into the unknown. We went to the north of England, where we didn't know a soul. It meant leaving all our friends, but we've been lucky in that our friendships have survived the distance plenty of them come up and visit us now."
C The Hatmaker
After working for five years as a company lawyer, Katherine Goodison set up her own business in her London flat, making hats for private clients.
"My job as a lawyer was fun. It was stimulating and I earned a lot of money, but the hours were terrible. I realised I didn't wan


This book covers almost every aspect of the field concerned and also reviews the best practice in this field.
