
发酵最轻和最重的乌龙茶分别是( )和( )The lightest and heaviest fermented Oolong tea are ( ) and ( ) respectively.

A. 铁观音Tieguanyin
B. 文山包种Wenshan Baozhong
C. 东方美人Oriental Beauty
D. 武夷肉桂Wuyi Rougui


Directions: Fill the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bland.Each word is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.deficit adjust exposure condense asset competentpreciseexceedbeneficialadequate1. The mayor decided to ______ his speech in order to leave enough time for his audience to raise question.

Directions: Fill the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bland.Each word is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.deficit adjust exposure condenseasset competent precise exceedbeneficialadequate2. It was reported that there was a vehicle missing every 20 seconds in the US.If the trends continue, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could _______two million.

Direnctions: Fill the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bland.Each word is marked with a letter. Answer the questons by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.deficit adjustexposurecondense assetcompetentpreciseexceedbeneficialadequate3. Researchers put patients through a set of psychological tests to determine the negative consequeences of sleep ______.

Direnctions: Fill the blanks by selecting suitable words from the word bland.Each word is marked with a letter. Answer the questons by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.deficit adjustexposurecondense assetcompetentpreciseexceedbeneficialadequate4. Too much _____to dirty air can cause people to suffer from allergies and diseases that will eventuall affect people's health.
