
某普通合伙企业合伙人甲享有合伙财产份额价值为 10 万元,因个人车辆修理而欠乙修理费 5 万元,到期无力清偿。同时乙欠合伙企业 5 万元未清偿;合伙企业未向甲支付上一年度应分配利润 10 万元。债权人乙提出的下列主张中,符合合伙企业法律制度规定的是()。

A. 以甲欠乙的修理费抵销乙欠合伙企业的货款
B. 请求人民法院强制执行甲在合伙企业中的财产份额以清偿修理费
C. 代位行使甲对合伙企业上一年度全部可分配利润的请求权
D. 直接取得甲在合伙企业中价值 5 万元的财产份


甲为普通合伙企业的合伙人,因个人原因欠合伙企业以外的第三人乙 10 万元。乙欠合伙企业货款 15 万元。现甲无力以个人财产清偿欠乙的债务,乙的下列主张中,符合合伙企业法律制度规定的有()。

A. 以其对甲的债权部分抵销其欠合伙企业的债务
B. 以甲从合伙企业中分得的利润偿付债务
C. 代位行使甲在合伙企业中的各项权利
D. 请求人民法院强制执行甲在合伙企业中的财产份额偿付债务

甲、乙、丙共同出资设立一特殊的普通合伙制律师事务所。202x 年 5 月,乙从事务所退出,丁加入事务所成为新合伙人。202x 年 8 月,人民法院认定甲在前一年的某项律师业务中存在重大过失,判决事务所向客户赔偿 100 万元的损失。根据合伙企业法律制度的规定,下列关于赔偿责任承担的表述中,正确的有()。

A. 甲应以其全部个人财产承担无限责任
B. 乙应以其退出时在事务所中的实际财产份额为限承担赔偿责任
C. 丙应以其在事务所中的财产份额为限承担赔偿责任
D. 丁无须承担赔偿责任


Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition (介词) or adverb (副词).“A cup of tea, the stronger the better” is supposed to be the British cure ________ all problems.For most of England today, tea is at 4 p.m. It starts ______ a pot of tea served with sugar and milk and includes thin slices of bread and butter.Cider, made ______ apples pressed and fermented, comes from the West Country.A steak and kidney pudding, steamed _____ hours, is a delicious and filling meal.In Cornwall potatoes and meat are packed ________ a pastry case, traditionally half-moon shaped to fit the miner’s pocket.Haggis is particular to Scotland, being made from the bits of sheep that less careful people would throw away or convert _____ dog food.Burns was obviously in favor of haggis and since anything Burns approved ______ has to be good, it has become elevated to the status of the national dish.8. The way to catch a haggis is to hide _______ a bush and jump out in front of it shouting “Boo!”
