Listen to the report about air quality.
A. It's a result of human impact on the environment.
B. It is a result of a rain storm.
C. It's a result of a naturally occurring event.
D. Because it damages the human lung.
A. Highlevelsoftrans-fats.
B. Asurplusofunneededcalories.
C. Properamountsofmacronutrientsandmicronutrients.
D. Largeamountsofaddedsugar.
Listen to the report about walking.
A. Better balance and coordination.
Boosting mood.
C. Improved muscle and bone strength.
D. Raises blood pressure
A. ManypeoplehavenotseentheMilkyWay.
B. Lightpollutionnegativelyaffectshumans,plantsandanimals.
C. Ourworldisbecomingmoreurban.
D. Weshouldgetoutofthecitymoreoften.
Listen to the report about SAD.
A biochemical imbalance in the brain.
B. Over-eating.
C. Fatigue.