A. It's a result of human impact on the environment. B. It is a result of a rain storm. C. It's a result of a naturally occurring event. D. Because it damages the human lung.
A. Highlevelsoftrans-fats. B. Asurplusofunneededcalories. C. Properamountsofmacronutrientsandmicronutrients. D. Largeamountsofaddedsugar.
A. Better balance and coordination. Boosting mood. C. Improved muscle and bone strength. D. Raises blood pressure
A. ManypeoplehavenotseentheMilkyWay. B. Lightpollutionnegativelyaffectshumans,plantsandanimals. C. Ourworldisbecomingmoreurban. D. Weshouldgetoutofthecitymoreoften.
A biochemical imbalance in the brain. B. Over-eating. C. Fatigue. Depression.
A. By not scratching the rash. By not touching her kids. C. By washing her clothing. D. By not touching other parts of her body.
A sense of calm and less headaches. B. Flexibility and a sense of calm. C. Increased awareness and flexibility. D. Better sleep and less headaches.
A. Taken medication. B. Ingested fresh ginger. C. Slept more and drank tea. D. Taken gingerol.
A. Sleep disturbances. B. Elevated cortisol. C. Increased blood pressure. D. Ear plugs
A. Up to one year. B. Up to ten years. C. More than ten years. D. About half a year.