International perspectives on the time interval required to confirm death after cardiac arrest generally vary from _______ minutes.
A. 2–5
B. 2–8
C. 2–10
D. 2–15
Mortality rates in ICU patients vary according to case mix and acuity, but are approximately _________ in adults and 3–5% in children.
A. 5–15%
B. 5–20%
C. 10–20%
D. 10–30%
In ancient Egypt and Greece, the heart was thought to create the _____________ and the absence of a heartbeat was regarded as the principal sign of death.
A. bloods and spirits
B. vital bloods
C. vital spirits
D. souls and spirits
In 1959, __________ neurologists Mollaret and Goulon first discussed the clinical, electrophysiological and ethical issues of what is now known as brain death, using the term 'coma dépassé' (irretrievable coma).
A. Spanish
B. English
C. German
D. French
In1968,theAdHocCommitteeofHarvardMedicalSchool,whichincludedtenphysicians,atheologian,alawyerandahistorianofscience,publishedamilestonepaperdefiningdeathasirreversiblecoma. The report "opened new areas of law, and posed new and different problems for theologist and ethicist ... it has made physicians into lawyers, lawyers into physicians, and both into philosophers".
A. 1962
B. 1965
C. 1968
D. 1972