
In 1959, __________ neurologists Mollaret and Goulon first discussed the clinical, electrophysiological and ethical issues of what is now known as brain death, using the term 'coma dépassé' (irretrievable coma).

A. Spanish
B. English
C. German
D. French


In1968,theAdHocCommitteeofHarvardMedicalSchool,whichincludedtenphysicians,atheologian,alawyerandahistorianofscience,publishedamilestonepaperdefiningdeathasirreversiblecoma. The report "opened new areas of law, and posed new and different problems for theologist and ethicist ... it has made physicians into lawyers, lawyers into physicians, and both into philosophers".

A. 1962
B. 1965
C. 1968
D. 1972

Brain death means human death determined by ________________ criteria. It is an unfortunate term, as it misleadingly suggests that there are two types of death: 'brain' death and 'regular' death. There is, however, only one type of death, which can be measured in two ways — by cardiorespiratory or neurological criteria.

A. biological
B. neurological
C. biochemical
D. biophysical

The exact duration required for the absence of circulation and respiration before death occurs has evoked controversy in relation to the Pittsburgh protocol for non-heart-beating donors. It is now debated that after __ minutes of asystole the heart will not auto-resuscitate and the patient can be declared dead according to cardio pulmonary criteria, given that artificial resuscitation would not be attempted.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 5
D. 10

Since their first use in ______, the neurocenteric criteria of death — as compared with the old cardiocenteric criteria — are considered to be "among the safest medicine can achieve". In those instances in which confirmatory tests for brain death are desirable, irreversibility can, at present, be more reliably demonstrated for the whole brain concept.

A. 1950
B. 1955
C. 1959
D. 1963
