

A. 消息线的箭头说明消息的类型,如同步、异步或简单。画一条线指向接收对象,包括一个箭头,实心表示异步信号,棍形箭头表示调用操作
B. 当一个操作调用它本身时,消息总是异步的
C. 在顺序图中可以描述如何创建和破坏对象,并把它作为捕述情节的一部分,一个对象可以通过一条消息来创建一个对象。被创建的对象的对象符号在创建它的地方
D. 消息也可以有条件,只有条件为真时才能发送和接收消息。条件被用来抽象分支或决定是否发送一条消息。如果用条件来抽象分支,则各个分支是异步的



A. 了解企业生产经营所属的行业以及生产经营项目的特点,确定应税凭证可能发生的主要范围
B. 核查企业当期书立的购销合同、加工承揽合同、货物运输合同、保险合同、营业账簿、权利许可证照、卫生许可证等,按合同金额和适用的税率计算应纳税额
C. 核查企业具有合同性质的票据、单据
D. 对于加工承揽合同、货物运输合同等在计税时可作一定金额扣除的应税凭证,还应核查计税金额与扣除金额,确定计税依据
E. 将本期各应税凭证印花税税额汇总计算后,如税额较大的(超过100元)可用税收缴款书缴纳税款

The word "fizzle" in the first sentence of paragraph 4 can best be paraphrased as ______.

A. make voice
B. fail
C. come out
D. stagger

The author mentions Lilly Ledbetter's case to show that ______.

A. she did not receive equal treatment as her male colleagues
B. her complaint is not timely enough to be validated
C. the new rule is problematic in practice due to its ambiguous wording
D. there is pay discrimination against women at work

Which of the following is TRUE, according to the passage?

A. Class size reduction increases difficulty to hire teachers in affluent districts.
B. Cutting class sizes is no better than reassigning existing specialty teachers.
C. If urban school cannot hire enough teachers, they can hire specialty teachers.
D. Generally speaking, vicious competing for teachers will counterbalance the positive effects of smaller classes.
