企业基本生产车间发生的设备修理费应记入( )账户。
A. 基本生产成本
B. 制造费用
C. 管理费用
D. 销售费用
企业计提的固定资产折旧费,可以计入( )账户的借方。
A. 基本生产成本
B. 辅助生产成本
C. 制造费用
D. 管理费用
属于企业要素费用的税金一般有( )。
A. 车船税
B. 房产税
C. 城镇土地使用税
D. 增值税
Reporter:Chinahasdeliveredseveraldecadesofdouble-digit growth and recently 1Japan tobecometheworld'ssecondlargesteconomy.CanChinasustainthisperformance?Howisitpossibletosustainthishighlevelof2yearafteryear?Howreliableisthedatainanycase?Jack:Thetransitionfrom an agricultural to an industrial economy, particularly on the scale we are seeinginChina,leadstoenormous3gains.Growthinthepast has been driven by investment from other countries and China has typically been the largest 4 for FDI. the government has also been an enormous investor into 5 and these projects then pave the way for future increases in productivity. Going forward, the shift will be for China to develop as a consuming nation.Is this sustainable? Yes. There is a great deal of 6 behind this trend. That doesn't mean, however, that there will not be bumps in the road. Generally, with some reservations, you can trust the numbers coming out of China, and in many cases, there is corroborating evidence to support them.Reporter:When discussing China it is a mistake to speak about it in a uniform voice. Can you talk about the differences between the North and South? The Coast and Inland regions?Jack:China has had tremendous growth, but it has been 7 . The biggest growth has been along the coast and in major cities such as Guangdong, Shanghai and Beijing. They have had the fastest growth, and there has been growth 8, but it has not been as dramatic. Between North and South, people will say the South is more business-oriented and easier, and those generalizations are useful, though not 100% 9 . There are differences in the cost structures between different areas which can be very 10 .Companies like Foxconn, which makes ipads, are moving their factories from the south into the inner provinces.