“浪淘沙”的英文翻译是:Sand-shifting ( )
A. Wives
B. Waving
C. Waves
D. Waved
“丑奴儿”的英文翻译是:Song of ( ) Slave
A. Beautiful
B. beautiful
C. ugly
D. Ugly
请选出“爱上层楼”的最佳英文翻译: ( )
A. I'd like to go upstair.
B. go upstair.
C. I'd like to go downstair.
D. go downstair.
请选出“一任群芳妒”的最佳英文翻译: ( )
A. Other flowers envy!
B. Let them envy!
C. Let other flowers their envy pour!
D. Let them pour envy!