Careful choices of words make a difference in communication. So you should ______.
A. take care in choosing the right words
B. take words in conversation lightly
When you pause to let the irony sink in, you are ______.
A. regretting using the irony
B. giving the listeners time to understand your irony
If you dedicate yourself to the communication with your family when you stay at home, you will feel ______.
A. close to each other
B. distant from each other
A. 对儿童的规则培养只体现在规则行为中
B. 内化于心,外化于行
C. 儿童规则培养是符合成人的需求
D. 规则培养要考虑幼儿的实际发展水平
A. 鼓励孩子自主,顺应成长规律
B. 注重言传身教,避免言行不一
C. 横向比较,以“别人家的孩子为榜样”
D. 坚持正面引导,激发内在动力