
软件测试风险管理包含( )和风险控制两方面内容。

A. 风险排序
B. 风险识别
C. 风险评估
D. 风险分析


下面哪项内容不包含在测试计划文档中? ( )

A. 测试策略
B. 测试用例
C. 测试时间安排
D. 测试标准


A. 对称阵
B. 可逆
C. 任意阵
D. 各阶顺序主子式均不为零

Arrange each of the sequences below in order, from the most abstract word to the most concrete word.(1) farm crops, agriculture, vegetables, potatoes, produce(2) EU, world, Spain, continents, Europe(3) housing complex, building, dining room, structure, apartment(4) Mona Lisa, art, painting, creative activity, portrait(5) automobile, vehicle, Ferrari, transportation, sports car

Rewrite each of the following sentences using clear, familiar words.(1) My employment objective is to attain a position of maximum financial reward.(2) All professors at this school are expected to achieve high standards of excellence in their instructional duties.(3) In the eventuality of fire, it is imperative that all persons evacuate the building without undue delay.(4)All responsibilities connected with the recruiting of new members rest with the club chairman.
