A. “蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强”“爪牙”在文中用的是它的比喻义
B. 白居易《忆江南》有“日出江花红胜火,春来江水绿如蓝”这里的“蓝”和“取之于蓝”中的“蓝”相同
C. 《劝学》是《荀子》里的第一篇节选的三段着重论述了学习应持的态度。
D. 《劝学》的作者荀况,是春秋后期赵国人,他强调后天学习的重要性,认为后天环境和教育可以改变人的本性
The typesof auctionsare?
A. English auction
B. Dutch auction
C. (FPSB) auction
D. Vickrey auction
Christie’sis the world’s oldest fine __、___、which has sold pictures, furniture, works of art, jewelry and wine . the first sale was conducted by James Christie in London in 1766.
1.Anauctioneeris a person in charge of an auction).He asks the crowd assembled in the auction-roomto make offers,.
A. 对
B. 错