



A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错


A. 对
B. 错

翻译以下句子1、The software lifecycle is a fundamental concept in software engineering.Software, like many other products, goes through a cycle of repeating phases.2、There are four phases of the development process in the software life cycle: analysis, design, implementation, and testing.Several models have been used in relation to these phases.Some of the popular models are: the waterfall model, the prototyping model, the spiral model, the agile model, and the incremental model.3、The SDLC begins with the analysis phase.The result in this phase is the requirement specification document that shows the function and scope of the target software without specifying how it will be done.This phase can be either procedure-oriented analysis or object-oriented analysis.4、In procedure-oriented design, the whole project is divided into a set of procedures or modules.In object-oriented design, the design phase continues by elaborating the details of classes.5、Modularity means breaking a large project into smaller parts that can be understood and handled easily.Two issues are important when a system is divided into modules: coupling and cohesion.Coupling between modules in a software system must be minimized.Cohesion between modules in a software system should be maximized.6、Some of the attributes of software quality are operability, maintainability, and transferability.7、The objective of testing phase is to find errors in the software.There are two kinds of unit testing: white-box testing (or glass box testing) and black-box testing.White-box testing is program-based testing, and black-box testing is specification-based testing.White-box testing uses the internal structure of the software.Black-box testing only tests software’s inputs and outputs and focus on the results other than the processes without knowing what is inside it and how it works.8、Software development models are the various methodologies or processes that have been developed in order to achieve the project’s objectives.There are several models for the development process.Some of the most important and common models are waterfall model, incremental model, prototyping model, spiral model, agile model, iterative model, V model, and rapid application development (RAD) model.9、CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a process improvement framework that provides organizations with the essential elements of effective processes to improve their performance.10、Various types of documentation are offered for software development, such as user documentation, system documentation and technical documentation.11、SOA (Service-oriented Architecture) is an architectural approach for creating efficient systems.
