What are the expressions to maintain classroom discipline?
A. “Sit up straight.”
B. “Don’t shout.”
C. “Sorry, I can’t hear you.
D. Boys and girls, please be quiet.”
What do we say when we dismiss a clas?
A. “There goes the bell.
B. Time is up.
C. Let’s stop here.
D. Let’s have a break./Class is over.”
Play can be divided into two categories. They are________.
A. Unstructured play.
Building blocks.
C. Structured play.
A. 留清鼻涕,连打喷嚏
B. 端坐呼吸
C. 发作性吸气性呼吸困难
D. 胸闷、心悸、气促伴哮鸣音
E. 发作性呼气性呼吸困难伴有哮鸣音
A. 避免情绪激动
B. 避免接触过敏原
C. 禁烟、酒
D. 预防呼吸道感染
E. 避免过咸、过甜等刺激性食物