Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Becausesheisill.
C. Becauseshemisseshome
D. Becauseherparentshavecometoseeher.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Hehadatoothache
B. Hehadafever.
C. Hebrokehisleg
D. Hecuthisfingers.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Heisabusdriver
B. Heisataxidriver.
C. Heworksinanoffice.
D. Hesellscars.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Themancanusethecomputer.
B. Themancannotusethecomputer.
C. Themanneedstbuyacomputer.
D. Themanlearnstusethecomputer.
Choose the best answer[音频]
A. Heisverythin
B. Heishandsome
C. Heisveryfat.
D. Heisfunny.