
When Coca-Cola focused on developing its soft drink business but missed seeing the market for coffee bars and fresh-fruit-juice bars that eventually impinged on(侵犯) its soft-drink business, it was suffering from ________ because it defined competition in traditional category and industry terms.

A. factor elimination
B. marketing myopia(短视)
C. factor reduction
D. category points-of-parity
E. reliance on product description


Which of the following terms is most closely associated with the statement: "attributes or benefits consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent with a competitive brand"?

A. points-of-inflection
B. points-of-difference
C. points-of-parity
D. points-of-value
E. points-of-presence

Points-of-________ are product associations that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may in fact be shared with other brands.

A. parity
B. difference
C. inflection
D. presence
E. divergence

The three criteria that determine whether a brand association can truly function as a point-of-difference include desirability, ________, and differentiability.

A. discrimination
B. customerization
C. implementation
D. deliverability
E. demand

数理统计学的奠基人是( )

A. 威廉·配第
B. 阿亨瓦尔
C. 凯特勒
D. 恩格尔
