
近代史上,列强凭借强大的经济实力和船坚炮利的军事优势,屡屡对中国发动侵略战争,逼签条约,严重践踏了中国的国家主权,使中华民族陷入生死存亡的危机之中。阅读下列材料:材料一: 全国人大二次会议期间,全国人大十届二次会议期间,温家宝总理在答记者问时,引用了清末诗人丘逢甲《春愁》:“ 春愁难遣强看山, 往事惊心泪欲潸。四百万人同一哭, 去年今日割台湾。”材料二:于右任是参加辛亥革命的国民党元老。在1962年1月24日病重时在台湾写下《望大陆诗》:“葬我于高山之上兮,望我大陆。大陆不可见兮,只有痛哭。葬我于高山之上兮,望我故乡。故乡不可见兮,永远不忘。天苍苍,野茫茫,山之上,国有殇。”材料三 我们中国人民,半个世纪以来受尽了日本帝国主义的欺凌……现在这个万恶的敌人,已被中、苏、美、英的联合力量所打倒了。……这的确是我中华民族百年来未有的大事,值得全国同胞的热烈庆祝。——1945年9月5日《解放日报》社论《庆祝抗战最后胜利》请回答:(1) 这首诗写于哪一年以后? (1分)为什么“四百万人同一哭” (1分)(2) 根据材料一和材料二回答,我国中央政府解决台湾问题的基本政策是什么?(2分)在对台湾和对港澳的具体政策中有何不同?(2分)(3)抗日战争的胜利是“我中华民族百年来未有的大事”。结合材料和所学知识,分析抗战胜利的历史意义?(4分)要求:分析材料,结合所学知识回答问题。


I AnalyzeAccording to the video clip, which of the following is not mentioned for writing a paragraph with the house-building method ?

A. Topic sentence.
B. Concluding sentence
C. Data.
Development sentences.

I AnalyzeWhich of the following is true?

A topic sentence contains many details.
B. A concluding sentence usually summarizes the main idea of a paragraph.
C. A concluding sentence usually comes at the beginning part of a paragraph.
Development sentences describe main idea of a passage.

I ApplyWhat is translation according to the Oxford English Dictionary?

A. To turn from one language into another.
B. To paraphrase.
C. To express one’s thoughts.
D. To describe one’s feelings.

I ApplyWhich of the following is true according to the video clip?

A. Translation is the equivalence of language structure.
B. Translation is the equivalence of grammar.
C. Translation is the equivalence of meaning.
D. Translation is the equivalence of words.
