Eepresso的萃取粉液比一般是多少?What is the ratio of espresso extraction?
咖啡的萃取率指什么?What does it mean by extraction yield?
A. 咖啡浓度strength
B. 在最终冲煮出的咖啡饮品种,咖啡粉萃取的百分比the amount of materials that the water has removed from the actual coffee grounds
C. 咖啡酸的强度the strength of acidity
理想的萃取百分比是多少?What is the ideal yield?
A. 10-15%
B. 18-22%
C. 26-36%
萃取不足的espresso,主要表现出的风味是什么?What is the taste of underextracted espresso?
A. 酸acidity
B. 甜sweetness
C. 苦bitterness
萃取过度的espresso, 主要表现出的风味是什么?What is the taste of overextracted espresso?
A. 酸acidity
B. 甜sweetness
C. 苦bitterness