
In the following sentence, all the content words are nonsense words. Indicate the word class ofthe italicized nonsense word as follows.Example: The wrinzles are gumbling dompily.NounVerb AdverbMy gambat was droozumedby homhoms.

A. noun
B. verb
C. adjective
D. preposition


Syntax is a sub-field of linguistics that studies the structure of s_________ of a particularlanguage.

InX-bar theory, IP refers to InflectionalPhrase, while CP refers to C________Phrase.

In modern linguistics, we have a special type of words which are used to introduce complement clauses. In English, such kinds of words as that , for, ifare called c_______.

For the sentence "I doubted if he could understand", In the tree diagram of Merger operation analysis, "-ed" and "could" can occupy the i__________ position in IP.
