党的十八大以米,以习近平同志为核心的党中央,从社会主义实践的历史经验和中国特色社会主义发展的现实需要出发,蹄疾步稳推进全面深化改革,拓展改革的广度和深度,通过了360多个重大改革方案,出台了1500多项改革举措,全面深化改革的主体框架基本确立。以习近平同志为核心的党中央如此重视全面深化改革,是因为全面深化改革( )
A. 是具有新的历史特点的伟大斗争的重要方面
B. 是顺应当今世界发展大势的必然选择
C. 是解决中国现实问题的根本途径
D. 关系党和人民事业前途命运,关系党的执政基础和执政地位
Uncodified constitutions (also known as unwritten constitutions) are the product of an “__________” of laws and conventions over centuries.
A. involution
B. revolution
C. evolution
D. resolution
By contrast to codified constitutions, uncodified constitutions include written sources like constitutional statutes enacted by the Parliament and also unwritten sources, such as constitutional conventions, observation of precedents, royal prerogatives, custom and tradition.
A. 特权
B. 尊贵
C. 威严
D. 风范
In the days of the British Empire, the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council acted as the constitutional court for many of the British colonies such as Canada and __________ which had federal constitutions.
B. Australia
C. Anglia
D. England
One of the key tasks of constitutions is to indicate hierarchies and relationships of power.
A. 等级制度、层级关系
B. 君主政体
C. 封建制度
D. 统治集团