
Which of the following statements about "IASB: Technical Solutions for Biosecurity in Synthetic Biology (2008)" are correct?

A. TheassemblyofartificialDNAintofunctionalgenesandtheproductionofproteinsfromsuchgenesisavailableasahighlystandardizedcommercialservice.Thisinternationalindustrycurrentlyfillsthousandsofordersforwholegenesandmillionsofordersforshortoligonucleotideseachday.
B. Insomeinstances,theseorderscompriseDNAsequencesderivedfrompathogenicorganisms,andinrarecasesfrompathogenswithanextremelyhighmortalityrate,suchastheEbolavirus.
C. ThemostfrequentlycitedlistsofbiologicalagentswithpotentialtoposeaseverethreattopublichealthandsafetyarepublishedbytheUSFederalRegister,FDA,NIAID,CDC,bytheAmericanandEuropeanSocietiesforMicrobiologyandbytheWHO.
D. Thereexistofcourseanumberofnationalregulationsthatdealwithbiosecurity.Mostcountries,includingtheUSAandEUmembers,havelegislationinplaceforthelimitationoftheexportofdualusegoods.ThisincludessyntheticDNA.



A. biosafety&biorisk:horizontalgenetransfer,theformationofantibiotic-resistantsuperbugs,etc.
B. bioterrorism(e.g.design&useofnewbiologicalweapons)
C. biosecurity:synthesisofdangerousbacteriaorviruses,e.g.poliovirusgenomesynthesizedin2002,theSpanishinfluenzavirusgenomesynthesizedin2005,theSARSvirusgenomesynthesizedin2008,theEbolavirusgenomesynthesizedin2016,&thehorsepoxvirusgenomesynthesizedin2017
D. environmentalrisk&impact:intentionalorunintentionalreleaseofsyntheticorganismsintotheenvironment

Which of the following about "New Directions: The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies" are correct?

After the publication of the first synthetic genome & the accompanying media coverage about "life" being created, President Barack Obama established the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues to study synthetic biology.
B. The Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues released its first report, New Directions: The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies, on Dec 16, 2010.
C. The commission stated that "while Venter's achievement marked a significant technical advance in demonstrating that a relatively large genome could be accurately synthesized and substituted for another, it did not amount to the "creation of life". It noted that synthetic biology is an emerging field, which creates potential risks and rewards. The commission did not recommend policy or oversight changes and called for continued funding of the research and new funding for monitoring, study of emerging ethical issues and public education".
D. Synthetic biology, as a major tool for biological advances, results in the "potential for developing biological weapons, possible unforeseen negative impacts on human health ... and any potential environmental impact".

In 2009, Dr. A. Kelle proposed the "5P governance strategy" to ensure the security of synthetic biology:

A. Principal investigator (PI), the
B. Project, the
C. Premises, the
D. Provider (of genetic material) and, its; Purchaser

Whichofthefollowingstatementsabout"IASB Code of Conduct for Best Practices in Gene Synthesis(2009)"arecorrect?

A. It is important to devise effective governance measures for synthetic genomics that permit the beneficial use of this powerful technology while minimizing the risks. Synthetic genomics presents a dual-use dilemma in that outlaw states or terrorist groups could potentially exploit synthetic DNA for harmful purposes.
B. A better approach is to adopt voluntary guidelines or industry best practices. This type of self-regulation, involving suppliers and perhaps consumers of synthetic DNA, can be reinforced by government policies that encourage responsible behavior.
C. Although biosecurity measures for the gene-synthesis industry are being implemented in the United States and elsewhere, these activities are not well coordinated, and continued efforts will be needed on a national and international basis to fashion an effective global regime.
D. Preventing the misuse of gene synthesis, fostering industry self-regulation, & backed up with targeted government policies are good practices.
