
读下列程序,写出程序的运行结果。#includeint main(){char str[1000];int i, count;count = 0;gets(str);for(i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++){if(str[i] == ' ' && str[i+1] != ' ')count++;}if(str[0] != ‘ ’)count++;printf("%d\n",count);}输入:I love Zhengzhou Normal University!输出:


编程:输入n和n 个字符串,按升序排序输出所有字符串(按ASCII码)要求使用比较交换方法进行排序。部分程序如下:#include #include #define N 100#define LEN 81void Sort(char str[] [LEN],int n);int main(void){int i,n;char str[N] [LEN];scanf("%d",&n);getchar();for(i=0;i0){}}}

编程:输入一个int范围内的十进制整数,输出其对应的二进制数。部分程序如下:#include#include#define N 40void DToB(int n, char str[]);int main(void){char str[N];int n;scanf("%d", &n);DToB(n, str);puts(str);return 0;}void DToB(int n, char str[]){int len = 0;while( n>0){len++;n /= 2;}str[len] = '\0';strrev(str);}

编程:输入正整数n(0 < n <= 10),然后输入n个字符串,输出字典序最大的字符串。部分程序如下:#include#include#define N 40int main(void){int i,n;char max[N] = "";char str[N];scanf("%d", &n);getchar();for(i = 1; i <= n; i++){gets(str);if( strcmp(str, max) > 0 )}puts(max);return 0;}

Which phrase shares the same meaning as the underlined one?It will be an exciting party, as we have prepared a variety of programmes.

A. much
B. all sorts of
C. kind of
D. sort of
