In order to increase cash flow and limit layoffs, the company has decided that salary reductions are absolutely necessary at this time.
A. 公司收到增加现金收入和加快裁员的决定,认为这一决定十分适时。
B. 为了增加现金流转和减少裁员,公司已决定现在减薪是绝对必要的。
C. 为了增加现金贮备和防止裁员,公司认为有必要立即着手进行减薪。
After some initial hesitation, western manfacturers were rushing to China to sell their internationally approved products to the gorwing market.
A. 西方厂商有些犹豫但还是进入中国,销售其国际上获奖产品,使中国市场不断增长。
B. 西方厂商毫不犹豫地来到中国投资生产,希望扩大自己产品在国际市场的份额。
C. 西方厂商最初稍有犹豫后,即蜂拥到中国,向成长中的市场出售其国际认可的产品。
As a result of continuing business expansion at the city branch of our bank, we are presently seeking experienced bank clerks.
A. 由于本市分行的业务持续扩大,我行现诚聘有经验的银行职员。
B. 由于本市人口的不断增长,我行将在各区增加营业网点和人员。
C. 本市支行的规模将会扩大,为此我们急需聘请多位银行经理人。
Economic competition among nations is expected to increase, especially now that the countries like Russia and Cnina have moved towards a market economy.
A. 经济竞争在国家之间不断升级,导致像中国和俄罗斯这样的国家也已经转向了市场经济。
B. 各国间的经济竞争将会加剧,尤其是因为像中国和俄罗斯这样的国家也已迈向市场经济。
C. 世界的经济形势将会发生巨变,尤其是像中国和俄罗斯这样的国家也向世界开放了市场。
Your landlord is allowed to increase the rent by any amount as long as the increase is not for an illegal reason.
A. 只要不是出于非法原因,允许房东提高租金,数额不限。
B. 只要出于合理的原因,房东就可以增加一定数额的租金。
C. 只要征得你的同意,房东就可以提前数月终止租房协议。