style可以得到任意样式表中的样式值。( )
A. 对
B. 错
乌龙茶属于( )Oolong tea belongs to ( )
A. 不发酵茶Non-fermented tea
B. 半发酵茶Semi-fermented tea
C. 微发酵茶Slightly-fermented
D. 全发酵茶Fully-fermented tea
乌龙茶制作工艺中阻止其进一步发酵的工艺是In Oolong tea manufacturing process, the process to prevent its further fermentation is
A. 杀青fixation
B. 揉捻rolling
C. 干燥drying
D. 摇青Shaking
乌龙茶性质( )The nature of Oolong tea is ( )
A. 寒cold
B. 温warm
C. 凉cool
D. 热hot