
乌龙茶属于( )Oolong tea belongs to ( )

A. 不发酵茶Non-fermented tea
B. 半发酵茶Semi-fermented tea
C. 微发酵茶Slightly-fermented
D. 全发酵茶Fully-fermented tea


乌龙茶制作工艺中阻止其进一步发酵的工艺是In Oolong tea manufacturing process, the process to prevent its further fermentation is

A. 杀青fixation
B. 揉捻rolling
C. 干燥drying
D. 摇青Shaking

乌龙茶性质( )The nature of Oolong tea is ( )

A. 寒cold
B. 温warm
C. 凉cool
D. 热hot

下列属于乌龙茶的是()The of the following teas belong to oolong tea

A. 大红袍Dahongpao
B. 铁观音Tieguanyin
C. 凤凰单丛Fenghuang Dancong
D. 东方美人Oriental Beauty

发酵最轻和最重的乌龙茶分别是( )和( )The lightest and heaviest fermented Oolong tea are ( ) and ( ) respectively.

A. 铁观音Tieguanyin
B. 文山包种Wenshan Baozhong
C. 东方美人Oriental Beauty
D. 武夷肉桂Wuyi Rougui
