

A. 生物降解能使复杂的有机化合物仅转化为简单的有机化合物
B. 影响生物降解的因素与生物本身的种类无关
C. 影响生物降解的因素与化合物结构、毒性、环境(温度、pH值、浓度)等无关
D. 生物降解是指有机化学品在生物所分泌的各种酶的催化作用下,通过氧化、还原、水解、脱氢、脱卤等一系列生物化学反应,使复杂的有机化合物转化为简单的有机物或无机物 (如CO2和H2O)的过程


?Read the following extract from an article about Security Markets.
?For each question 15—20, mark one letter (A, B, C, or D) on your Answer Sheet for the answer you choose.
Stocks may be purchased in either the primary or the secondary market. The primary market is a market in which all investor purchases financial securities (via an investment bank or other representative) directly from the issuer of those securities. Usually, an investment-banking firm an organization that assists corporations in raising funds — is involved in the marketing and distribution process. A corporation can also obtain equity by selling securities directly to current stockholders.
The secondary market involves transactions for existing securities that are currently traded between investors and are usually bought and sold through a securities exchange or the over-the-counter market. Securities exchanges are marketplaces where members buy and sell securities for their clients. The New York Stock Exchange is the largest in the United States; it accounts for about 50 percent of stock bought and sold in the United States. Other securities exchanges include the American Stock Exchange and several regional exchanges. The over-the-counter market is a network of account executives(stockbrokers) who buy and sell the securities that are not traded in exchanges. If you invest in securities, chances are that you will use the services of an account executive who works for a brokerage firm. Most full-service account executives not only process your orders to buy and sell securities but also provide valuable information and advice. For these services, they are paid a commission based on the size and value of tile transaction. An investor should choose an account executive who is ethical ,compatible, and able to provide the level of service required by the investor. Personal investment planning begins with formulating measurable and realistic investment goals. A personal investment plan is then designed to implement those goals. Many financial planners suggest, as a first step, that the investor establish an emergency fund equivalent to three to six months' living expenses. Then additional funds may be invested according to the investment plan. Finally, all investments should be carefully monitored and, if necessary, the investment plan should be modified.
Depending on their particular investment goals, investors seek varying degrees of safety, income, growth, and liquidity from their investments. Safety is, in essence ,freedom from the risk of loss. Generally, the greater the risk, the greater should be the potential return on all investment.
Income is the periodic return from all investment. Growth is an increase in the value of the investment. Liquidity is defined as the ease with which an asset can be converted into cash. Among the traditional investment alternatives are bank accounts, corporate bonds, government bonds, common stock, preferred stock, mutual funds, and real estate. High-risk investment techniques can provide greater returns, but they entail greater risk of loss. They include buying stock on margin, selling short, and trading incommodities and options.
Information on securities and the firms that issue them can be obtained from the newspapers, brokerage-firm reports, business periodicals, corporate reports, and investors’ services. Most local newspapers report daily securities transactions and stock indexes, or averages. The averages indicate price trends but reveal nothing about the performance of individual stocks. State and federal regulations protect investors from unscrupulous securities trading practices. Federal laws, which are enforced by the Securities and Exchange Commission, require the registration of new securities, the publication and distribution of prospectuses, and the registration of brokers and securities deale

A. Most full-service account executives can process your orders to buy and sell securities.
B. You can pay the full-service account executives commission whatever you wish.
C. Full-service account executives should be ethnical, compatible and able to provide the level of service required by the investor.
D. Most full-service account executives can provide valuable information and advice.

According to the passage, _____ play an equally important role in determining a country's

A. farm products
B. industrial goods
C. foodstuffs
D. export & import

?Read the article below about a company.
?Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B, C or D.
?For each question (21-20), mark one letter (A, B, C or D) on your Answer Sheet.
Miele, the German domestic appliance manufacturer, has been in the UK (21) thirty years.
The company started (22) a small office in central London, a staff of five and a turnover (23) the first 16 months of £53,000. Today it has a modern headquarters at Abingdon, near Oxford, employs about 200 people and has a turnover of£18 million. The British company, (24) the other overseas subsidiaries, is a sales operation. Aangdon is an ideal town (25) the UK headquarters. It is very central as a distribution point and only five miles north (26) the "inland port" of Milton.
The Miele group employs 13,500 people worldwide. (27) it is still a family concern. "There is regular contact (28) headquarters in Gutersloh, Germany," says Herr Wedekind, chief executive of the British subsidiary.
The group sells (29) products to up-market customers in shops like Harrods and advertises in publications like The Sunday Times magazine. "We sell our products to people (30) want quality, want the best, good after-sale service and trouble-free appliances," says Herr Wedekind.

A. about
B. lasted
C. for
D. until

(1)1月14日,正源公司收到乙公司退回的2009年10月4日从其购入的一批商品,以及税务机关开具的进货退出证明单。当日,正源公司向乙公司开具红字增值税专用发票。该批商品的销售价格(不含增值税)为200万元,增值税为34万元,销售成本为185万元。假定正源公司销售该批商品时,销售价格是公允的,也符合收入确认条件。至2010年1月 14日,该批商品的应收账款尚未收回。
(3)2月26日,正源公司获知丙公司被法院依法宣告破产,预计应收丙公司账款250万元 (含增值税)收回的可能性极小,应按全额计提坏账准备。正源公司在2009年12月31日已被告知丙公司资金周转困难无法按期偿还债务,因而按应收丙公司账款余额的50%计提了坏账准备。

A. -1
