Please translate the following passage into English.中国有句古话,“民以食为天。”可见饮食在中国人生活中的分量。中国地域辽阔,由于各地气候、物产以及风俗习惯的差异,形成了以鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、闽菜、苏菜、浙菜、徽菜、香菜为代表的八大菜系。中国菜讲究色、香、味,其中尤以味为重要。中国的菜名五花八门,著名的菜名背后都有段生动的故事,这为中国饮食文化平添了几分钟神秘色彩。
Term Translation1.小年2.春节联欢晚会3.七夕节4.自治州5.黄金周
Passage Translation春节是中国农历年的岁首,是最隆重的传统节日。春节的习俗很多,如放鞭炮、贴春联、拜大年、吃饺子等。春节期间,各地还会举办各种庆祝活动,其中传统庙会活动会一直持续很多天。
Match the ethnic minorities with their traditional festivals.
Which statements are true aboutMcDonald's?
A. It is a fast food chain that sells hamburgers and fries.
B. It is the world’s second-largest restaurant chain.
C. The 'mac' part means son, while Donald comes from a Gaelic name that means 'Ruler of the World'.
D. the name means "lucky and good fortune".