
Rewrite the following sentences after the models. ?xml:namespace>Model 1: the lawyer, less time, type letters, than the assistantIt takes the lawyer less time to type letters than it does the assistant.1. the manager, a whole afternoon, explain the new company regulations2. the government, several weeks, calm down the angry workers3. Jimmie, a whole day, figure out the complex situation


Rewrite the following sentences after the models.Model 2: ?xml:namespace>There are many consumers in the market. The ability of each country to specialize in what it does best becomes great.The more consumers there are in the market, the greater the ability of each country to specialize in what it does best.1. She works hard. She makes achievement.2. There were many fans in the hall. The player felt excited.3. The questions are difficult. I’m not likely to be able to answer them.

就餐是人们每天都要做的事,无论是在家里,还是在餐馆,做法正确的是( )

A. 先请长辈入座最佳位置
B. 狼吞虎咽
C. 专挑自己喜欢的菜吃
D. 随时离开餐桌

站立是人们日常交往中一种最基本的举止,正确在站姿要求是( )

A. 头正、双目平视、平和自然
B. 躯干挺直、收腹、挺胸、立腰
C. 双腿随意放置
D. 双臂放松、抱于胸前

与他人握手应做到( )

A. 注视对方、微笑致意
B. 戴帽子和手套
C. 握手的时间应以3秒为宜
D. 站立跟坐着都可以
