
Complete the passage with the appropriate form of the collocations from the followingexpressions.1. to target a(n) audience 2.to launch a new campaign3. to sponsora sports event4. to project a(n) image 5. to endorse a(n) brand 6. to make a commercialSigning a celebrity and using their star status to 1) _______________ is one of the standard advertising techniques. Tag Heuer, the watchmaker which 2) ________ a number of ______________, once had Tiger Woods under contract. Audrey Tautou has 3) ________________ for Chanel No5, which has been shown around the world.But choosing the celebrity who will 4) __________ exactly the right _______ is not always so easy, as several companies like Tag Heuer have found out. What happens when a company is about to 5) _________ a new ____________ featuring a celebrity and it suddenly finds out that they are accused of a criminal offence or involved in a scandal? While there is no doubt that most celebrity endorsements do increase sales, more and more advertisers are turning to other less risky ways of 6) __________ the __________ that they want to reach.



A. 排气门早开是为了减少节流损失,晚关是为了利用气流惯性多排气
B. 进气门早开是为了利用压力自由进气,减少进气负功,晚关是为了利用气流惯行多进气
C. 气门重叠角随发动机转速的升高而减小,随转速的减小而增加
D. 一台四缸四冲程汽油机,其发火次序一般为1-4-2-3或1-2-3-4


A. 凸轮轴装配错误
B. 凸轮、驱动齿轮磨损
C. 曲轴装配错误
D. 排气管堵塞


A. α+β
B. β+γ
C. α+δ
D. β+δ


A. 对
B. 错
