
Which of the following would be a good alternative title for this selection?

A. How to Get Good Grades
B. Why Students Dislike School
Cheating in our School System
D. Students Who Manipulate Teachers


Which sentence best expresses teh main idea of the selection?

A. Ellen Glanz is a burned-out teacher.
B. Ellen Glanz lied to her math teacher.
C. Students need good grades to get into college.
D. Teachers and students feel differently about schooling.

How much of a class, according to the author's estimate, would often cheat on a test?

A. One-quarter or less
B. One-half
C. One-half to two-thirds
D. Almost everyone

True or false? ___ As a result of her experience, Glanz now accepts more of her students' excuses.

A. True
B. False

The author implies that

A. few students cheat on tests.
B. most students enjoy schoolwork.
Classroom teaching methods should be changed.
D. Glanz had a lazy math teacher.
