普洱茶按照制作工艺可分为( )和( )两类Pu 'er tea can be divided into ( ) and ( ) according to the manufacturing process
A. 生茶non-fermented tea
B. 熟茶fermented tea
C. 散茶Loose tea
D. 紧压茶Compressed tea
普洱茶的突出功效有( )The outstanding efficacy of Pu 'er tea includes ( )
A. 降三高lower three highs(high-blood presure, hyperlipemia, hyperglycemia)
B. 怯腻减肥degrease, lose weight
C. 消炎anti-inflammatory
D. 通便排毒defaecation, detoxification
普洱紧压茶的形状有:The shapes of compressed Pu 'er tea are as follows:
A. 饼茶Disc Tea
B. 坨茶Bowl-shaped tea
C. 砖茶Brick tea
D. 金瓜贡茶pumpkin-shaped tea
下列属于普洱生茶品质特征描述的是:The quality characteristics of pu 'er raw tea are described as follows:
A. 干茶呈墨绿色Dried tea is dark green
B. 叶底红褐Red brown brewed leaves
C. 陈香Aged fragrance
D. 汤色黄绿,香气清纯yellow green soup, pure aroma
决定普洱茶品质的两个最主要因素是The two most important factors determining the quality of Pu 'er tea are
A. 产地place of origin
B. 原料raw material
C. 工艺crafts
D. 年份year