

A. SARSinChina(2002-2003)
B. H1N1influenzapandemic(2009)
C. Setbacksinpolioglobaleradicationefforts and EbolaepidemicinWestAfrica(2014)
D. Zikavirusoutbreak(2016)



A. Manygovernmentsandagenciesincludeahealthdimensionintheirforeignpolicyinordertoachieveglobalhealthgoals.
B. Promotinghealthinlowerincomecountrieshasbeenseenasinstrumentaltoachieveothergoalsontheglobalagenda.
C. Onepolicyispromotingglobalsecuritywhichislinkedtofearsofglobalpandemics,theintentionalspreadofpathogens,andapotentialincreaseinhumanitarianconflicts,naturaldisasters, and emergencies.
D. Otherpoliciesinclude:1)promotingeconomicdevelopmentincludingaddressingtheeconomiceffectofpoorhealthondevelopment,ofpandemicoutbreaksontheglobalmarketplace, and alsothegainfromthegrowingglobalmarketinhealthgoods and services;2)promotingsocialjustice–reinforcinghealthasasocialvalueandhumanright,includingsupportingtheUnitedNations'MillenniumDevelopmentGoals.

What about the Goal 3:Good Health & Well-Being in the 17 Sustainable Development Goalsby UN?

A. Ensuring healthy lives & promoting the well-being at all ages is essential to sustainable development.
B. Significant strides have been made in increasing life expectancy and reducing some of the common killers associated with child and maternal mortality, but working towards achieving the target of less than 70 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births by 2030 would require improvements in skilled delivery care.
C. Achieving the target of reducing premature deaths due to incommunicable diseases by 1/3 by the year 2030 would also require more efficient technologies for clean fuel use during cooking and education on the risks of tobacco.
D. Many more efforts are needed to fully eradicate a wide range of diseases and address many different persistent and emerging health issues. By focusing on providing more efficient funding of health systems, improved sanitation and hygiene, increased access to physicians and more tips on ways to reduce ambient pollution, significant progress can be made in helping to save the lives of millions.

The ethical debates about the one-child policy in China are:

A. The one-child policy was a birth planning policy of China. Distinct from the family planning policies of most other countries (which focus on providing contraceptive options to help parents have the number of children they want), it set a limit on the number of children parents could have, the world’s most extreme example of population planning.
B. It was introduced in 1979 (after a decade long two-child policy), modified in the mid-1980s to allow rural parents a second child if the first was a daughter, and then lasted three more decades before being eliminated near the end of 2015. The policy also allowed exceptions for some other groups, including ethnic minorities.
C. According to the Chinese government, 400 million births were prevented, starting from 1970 a decade before the start of the one child policy. 76% of Chinese people said that they supported the policy in a 2008 survey, although it was controversial outside of China.
D. In October 2015, the Chinese government announced that no family would be limited to just one child, although as of today it still has a two-child policy.

WhichofthefollowingstatementsaboutthePatient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010)intheUSarecorrect?

A. This is a health care reform bill that was signed into law in the United States by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010.
B. The law includes a large number of health-related provisions, most of which took effect in 2014, including expanding Medicaid eligibility for people making up to 133% of FPL, subsidizing insurance premiums for individuals and families making up to 400% of FPL and capping expenses from 2% to 9.8% of annual income.
C. For the first time, all health policies sold in the United States must cap an individual's (or family’s) medical expenses out of pocket annually. Other provisions include providing incentives for businesses to provide health care benefits, prohibiting denial of coverage and denial of claims based on pre-existing conditions, establishing health insurance exchanges, prohibiting insurers from establishing annual spending caps and support for medical research.
D. The costs of these provisions are offset by a variety of taxes, fees, and cost-saving measures.
