
海关应当自受理退税申请之日30 R内查实并通知纳税人办理退还手续。纳税人应当自收到通知之日起3个月内办理有关手续。 ()

A. 正确
B. 错误




A. 寄存器、内存、外存
B. 寄存器、Cache、内存
D. L0、L1、L2三级Cache


A. 常以尖牙接触关系为标志
B. 常以第一磨牙接触关系为标志
C. 常以第二磨牙接触关系为标志
D. 常以尖牙和第一磨牙接触关系为标志
E. 常以中线与唇系带的关系为标志

Tip 1: Use your imagination. If all we see is a goal—not linked to a dream behind it, the goal soon starts to look like an item on a to-do list that's easily given up. Ask yourself: What is important to me about this goal? What do I desire here? Then you have the will to fulfill it.
Tip 2: Break it down. New Year's plans are often forgotten when we feel our goal is too big. A sure way to stay focused is to set tiny goals and celebrate their achievements. To break down a really big goal, imagine 12 actions towards it this year—and you have a good enough plan.
Tip 3: Keep records. Writing down goals and recalling your experience is a powerful way to achieve them. Make note of monthly achievements and schedule time to review your plan.
Tip 4: Admit failures. We all fail. How we choose to interpret "failure" is key. Looking at mistakes as learning opportunities helps us get closer to our goal.
Tip 5: Choose a partner. A partnership makes the process fun. Pick someone who's as excited about reaching the goal as you are.
What does the writer think of people who are making New Year's plans?

A. They are likely to carry them out.
B. They are likely to give them up.
C. They should not make the plans.
D. They should not change the plans.
