What does the word "class" in "...human being may be divided into three classes"(Line 6, para. 1) mean?
A. types
B. groups
What does the word "industrious" mean in "It may also be said that rational, industrious, useful human beings are divided into two classes"? (Line 1, para.2)
A. companies
B. hard-working
What structure is applied in Para.2?
A. general-specifical--general
B. general-specific
C. specifical--general
A. br>
B. 关于热量㶲,论述错误的是( )。
C. 热量㶲与环境温度有关;
D. 热量㶲与热源温度有关;
E. 从环境吸收的热量,没有作功能力;
F. 热量㶲就是热量中能作功的部分。