Which of the following statements about the doses ofImlygic are correct?
A. The total injection volume for each treatment by Imlygic visit should not exceed 4 ml for all injected lesions combined.It may not be possible to inject all lesions at each treatment visit or over the full course of treatment.
B. Previously injected and/or uninjected lesion(s) may be injected at subsequent treatment visits.
C. The initial recommended dose is up to 4 ml of Imlygic at a concentration of 10^6 (1 million) PFU per ml.
D. The recommended dose for subsequent administrations is up to 4 ml of Imlygic at a concentration of 10^8 (100 million) PFU per ml.
Presently, gene therapies for the following diseases are being developed:
A. cystic fibrosis (using adenoviral vector)
B. HIV infection (cell-based)
C. malignant melanoma (cell-based)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (cell-based)
A. hemophilia B (cell-based)
B. kidney cancer (cell-based)
C. Gaucher's Disease (retroviral vector)
D. breast cancer (retroviral vector)
A. Howcan"good"and"bad"usesofgenetherapybedistinguished?
B. Whatactuallyhappenswhenthingsgowrong?
C. Whodecideswhichtraitsarenormalandwhichconstituteadisabilityordisorder(decidingproperindications)?
B. Whatarethecostsforthistypeoftherapyandwhoispayingforit?Willthehighcostsofgenetherapymakeitavailableonlytothewealthy?
D. Whatisthepotentialimpactofgermlinegenetransferonfuturegenerations?