In ______, Congress enacted the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act (P.L. 108-153). The act provided a statutory foundation for the NNI, established programs, assigned agency responsibilities, authorized funding levels, and promoted research to address key issues.
In 2003, Naomi Halas, Jennifer West, Rebekah Drezek, and Renata Pasqualin at Rice University developed gold nanoshells, which when "tuned" in size to absorb near-infrared light, serve as a platform for the integrated discovery, diagnosis, and treatment of __________________ without invasive biopsies, surgery, or systemically destructive radiation or chemotherapy.
In 2005, Erik Winfree and Paul Rothemund from the California Institute of Technology developed theories for DNA-based computation and "algorithmic self-assembly" in which computations are embedded in the process of __________________.
In 2007, Angela Belcher and colleagues at MIT built a lithium-ion battery with a common type of _______ that is nonharmful to humans, using a low-cost and environmentally benign process. The batteries have the same energy capacity and power performance as state-of-the-art rechargeable batteries being considered to power plug-in hybrid cars, and they could also be used to power personal electronic devices.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matters with at least one dimension sized from ___ to _____ nm.