_______________________isamedicalprocedureinwhichanorganisremovedfromonebody and placedinthebodyofarecipient,toreplaceadamagedormissingorgan.Thedonor and recipientmaybeatthesamelocation,ororgansmaybetransportedfromadonorsitetoanotherlocation.
Braindeathisthecomplete loss ofbrainfunction,includinginvoluntaryactivitynecessarytosustainlife.It differs from persistent vegetative state, in which the person is alive and some _________________________remain.
Medicine and society continue to thoughtfully struggle with and argue about the definition of and __________ for death, especially in view of advances in complex life and organ support systems. Death determination has been the subject of medical, legal, and social debate for centuries.
While diagnostic modalities and physiologic understanding have advanced, the '_______________' when death is said to have occurred is still mired in controversy. Our ability to support organ failure with technology and transplantation raises important questions of when a disease is irreversible, when further treatment is no longer effective and when death can be said to have occurred.
The US Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA, 1982) specifies that death may be ascertained either by the irreversible loss of all brain function or by the irreversible cessation of cardio-respiratory function. The UDDA specifies three criteria for death by cardio-respiratory criteria: unresponsiveness, apnea, and ____________________________________.