
Section D
听力原文: Broadly speaking, there are two types of paintings: representational and abstract. The former portrays specific, recognizable physical objects.
For most of history, the primary purpose of painting had been to portray images. Starting with the Post-Impressionists, however, the emphasis began to shift to unconscious feeling.
There are two types of abstract paintings. "Abstracted" paintings may not look realistic, but you can get an idea of what you are looking at. "Pure" abstract paintings are just shapes, colors, lines, patterns, and so on.
In truth, there is a lot more to abstract art than what meets the eye. To truly appreciate a work of art, you need to understand there must be context involved and a particular environment created. More importantly, art allows us indirect access to our inner psyche. Great art affords a way to get in touch with the unconscious part of our existence, even if we don't realize what we are doing.
The reason abstract art has the potential to be so powerful is that it keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum. This, of course, only works if you cooperate with the artist. If you are to truly appreciate a work of art, you must be willing to let yourself go, to put yourself in the hands of the artist, so to speak, and let him take you wherever he wants.
Broadly speaking, there are two types of paintings :【21】and abstract. The former portrays specific, recognizable physical objects.
For most of history, the primary purpose of painting had been to portray images. Starting with the Post-Impressionists, however, the【22】began to shift to unconscious feeling.
There are two types of abstract paintings. "【23】" paintings may not look realistic, but you can get an idea of what you are looking at. "【24】" abstract paintings are just shapes, colors, lines, patterns ,, and so on.
In truth, there is a lot more to abstract art than what meets the eye. To truly appreciate a work of art, you need to understand there must be【25】involved and a particular【26】created. More importantly, art allows us indirect access to our inner【27】. Great art affords a way to get in touch with the unconscious part of our【28】, even if we don't realize what we are doing.
The reason abstract art has the【29】to be so powerful is that i: keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum. This, of course, only works if you【30】with the artist. If you are to truly appreciate a work of art, you must be willing to let yourself go, to put yourself in the hands of the artist, so to speak, and let him take you wherever he wants.


The passage mainly discusses _________ of dreams.

For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic of Low-Carbon Lifestyle. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below.
Low-Carbon Lifestyle

某有自营出口权的生产企业(为增值税一般纳税人,退税率15%),本月发生如下经济业务: (1)购进原材料一批,取得增值税专用发票注明的价款200万元,增值税税额34万元,货已验收入库。 (2)本月进料加工免税进口料件的组成计税价格200万元。 (3)取得本月内销货物不含税销售额l80万元,增值税税额30.6万元,货款已存入银行。 (4)本月出口货物销售额折合人民币260万元。 要求:计算该企业当月应退增值税税额。

某企业2012年1月份发生下列业务: (1)由于丢失,换发营业执照、税务登记证和开户许可证各一份,因年检换发房产证、土地使用证各一份。 (2)增加资本公积200万元,计提盈余公积100万元。 (3)设立资金账簿和其他账簿共11本。 (4)订立借款合同一份贷款500万元,应付利息50万元。 (5)投综合财产保险一份,保额l 000万元,交纳保险费4万元;投机动车保险三份,保险金额50万元,应交保险费1.2万元,保单列明无赔偿优待金0.12万元。 (6)签订加工合同,由甲企业提供原料和主要材料100万元,本企业代垫辅料2万元并收取加工费3万元。 (7)签订加工合同,由乙企业提供货样,本企业为乙企业购买原料和主要材料80万元,并收取加工费2万元。 要求:请根据上述资料,按照下列顺序回答问题。 (1)计算该企业本月权利许可证照应纳印花税。 (2)计算该企业本月账簿应纳印花税。 (3)计算该企业本月保险单应纳印花税。 (4)计算该企业本月贷款合同应纳印花税。 (5)计算该企业本月加工合同应纳印花税。
