


In 2016 the United Kingdom had a referendum in which most British people voted to leave the European Union.This British Exit from the EU, is called “__1__” for short.The border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland was first drawn in __2__ by the British, who had ruled over the island for centuries.The large, southern part that became the Republic of Ireland was historically Catholic, identified as Irish, and wanted independence. They were known as __3__But in the North, many people were Protestant, identified more closely as British and wanted to stay in the UK. They were called __4__.Tensions between these two parts become more and more strained and eventually violent.The Nationalists extremist group (IRA) and Unionist extremist group fought each other for more than __5__ years, during this time over 3,600 people were killed and it came to be known as "The __6__"It ended in 1998, with the two parties signing the Good __7__ Agreement.The big problem with the UK leaving the EU is that it could cause trouble between the IRA (nationalists) and the unionists once again. The problem is that the UK needs to put a border somewhere between them and the EU, but cannot decide where.The only viable option left is the fourth option, it's the idea of __8__. Which means Northern Ireland would join Ireland and become one country separate from the UK.This would've been a problem in the past. But even the Unionists are not fans of Brexit and wanted to remain in the EU.The way that both British and Irish cultures broadly have integrated into and participated in the processes of the EU has been on a gradual path of ideoligical __9__ for a generation or so by now.Which means that the UK, especially England, may be losing Northern Ireland and even Scotland due to their differences in opinion. One being, on the whole, pro-EU, and the other not.

如果治疗准确并且抢救及时,那么这个病人就不会死亡;现在这个病人不幸死亡了。从以上前提出发,能必然推出的结论是( )

A. 这个病人的诊治既不准确,抢救也不及时。
B. 、对这个病人的诊治不准确,但抢救及时。
C. 对这个病人的诊治是准确的,但抢救不及时。
D. 如果对这个病人的诊治准确,那么死因是对这个病人抢救不及时。

以“如果甲和乙都不是作案者,那么丙是作案者”为一前提,若再增加以下一个前提可必然推出“乙是作案者”的结论。这个前提是( )A.丙不是作案者。B.甲是作案者。C.甲和丙都是作案者。D.甲和丙都不是作案者。

A. 丙不是作案者。
B. 甲是作案者。
C. 甲和丙都是作案者。
D. 甲和丙都不是作案者。

某珠宝店被盗,搜查的结果表明下列事实:①疑者有甲、乙、丙三人,其中至少有一个是作案人。②当甲行盗时,乙一定在场。③在作案时间,乙正在快餐店饮酒。根据以上事实能推出以下哪一个结论( )

A. 甲是作案人。
B. 乙是作案人。
C. 丙是作案人。
D. 甲和丙是作案人
