

A. 集中战略
B. 内部成长战略
C. 外部成长战略
D. 紧缩投资战略



A. 裁减富余人员
B. 对多种企业文化进行整合
C. 对各种团队进行重组
D. 对员工加强开发活动

Directions: In this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. At the end of each news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.
听力原文: World Trade Organization chief Supachai Panitchpakdi says all WTO nations need to pull together in the coming months, if the ambitious economic blueprint known as the Doha Development Agenda is to succeed. Supachal Panitchpakdi says most WTO nations have indicated that they want to complete the so-called Doha round of trade talks by 2006. But the director general of the World Trade Organization says finalizing the negotiations requires a consensus of the 148 member nations. And that, he says, means they must work hard over the next several months to finalize details of the wide ranging agreement. "This means there will be no deal until there is agreement on the whole negotiating package, because there are linkages between different subject areas," he said. "The 2006 deadline is feasible, I am confident, is still feasible. But it will require major advances in technical discussions and strong political determination." Mr. Supachai spoke at the Pacific Basin Economic Council in Hong Kong on Monday. He stressed the need to strengthen trade negotiations at next December' s WTO ministerial conference, which will be held in Hong Kong.
Which statement is not true about Doha round?

A. It is not sure whether the Dora round can be finalized in several months.
B. 148 nations are involved in this round
C. These nations have to achieve a deal before they reach an agreement on the negotiating package,
D. WTO chief is not pessimistic about the future.


A. 组织发展与员工发展相结合的理念
B. 终身学习与企业培训相结合的理念
C. 知识更新和技能提高相结合的理念
D. 全员培训与重点提高相结合的理念

20世纪70年代末,新秀公司在计算机产业中独领风骚,这个阶段新秀的经营战略表现为企业内部成长与集中统一战略的融合,公司以不解雇政策、对员工进行职业生涯开发、提供培训机会及丰厚的额外福利而闻名。到了20世纪90年代,由于竞争的加剧,新秀改变了经营战略,更注重通过兼并其他公司来扩大规模,同时对公司中不赢利或技术过时的部门实行收缩策略。由此,新秀的培训部门也必须向公司的其他部门甚至外 部公司推销他们的服务,而其他部门有权选择外部机构提供培训服务。这意味着,如果培训部门推销不出去他们的服务,他们将被淘汰。

A. 培训部门也需要绩效考核
B. 培训活动应该推动公司实现其经营战略
C. 培训部门的角色将随着公司的发展而进行演变
D. 培训部门的客户不一定在企业内部
